domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Vegan Baking

I must admit I’m always kind of afraid when I bake something which is going to be vegan. Because I am very bad at vegan baking. Give me some lentils and I’ll make you a pretty tasty lunch. Give me some chickpeas and you’ll enjoy your dinner. Give me some flour, sugar, soymilk and baking powder and I’ll make a disaster. Anyway, it seems this time I did it. And everybody is still breathing.

I rarely plan to bake something vegan. It’s just a matter of madness, such as writing indeed. I just go nuts and bake something vegan. Here and now, cause I feel like doing it. And so I did yesterday, during a boring-raining-Saturday-afternoon. After a week-long job-hunting-waiting-game (this is the biggest nonsense ever, but I still love writing nonsenses) which resulted in another-two-or-three-or-four-or-five-and-maybe-six-weeks-long-waiting-game (told you I love it!!!) I decided I was sick and tired to wait and I opened my fridge in search of I-don’t-know-what. And I found inspiration. Carrots. And then I thought ai em crezi, oh yes ai em. I put on Tinariwen and mixed few things together. Flour, cane sugar, c  a  r  r  o  t  s , soy yogurt, vanilla, baking powder. And oil. Olive oil.

After an hour or so I just found out my crazy tryout was standing on the table. Yes: the-cake-is-on-the-table. And I’ll probably have my breakfast ready for the rest of the week. That’s all. And this is probably not going to happen again. Because my vegan cakes usually don’t like standing. Goodnight.

Italian translation: ho fatto la figa, ho postato in inglese. Potrei tradurre, ma non c’ho voglia. Anche perché c’è ben poco da tradurre. In sintesi: ho fatto la torta Camilla, vegana e a forma di ciambella. È rimasta in piedi e sono ancora tutti vivi. Una notiziona, lo so. Buonanotte. 

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